"Russia takes away from the facts - since March 37 imaginary versions of what happened happened," RIA Novosti quotes him.

On September 5, the British prosecutor's office named the names of two suspects in the incident in Salisbury.

According to the authorities of the country, these are Russian citizens Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. On the eve of Scotland Yard published their photos taken at Gatwick airport upon arrival to the UK.

Bristow also commented on the statement of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Maria Zakharova, who asked why the same corridor, the same time and two different people were photographed from the surveillance cameras.

"This is a photo from two different cameras, placed in different corridors at the exit to the arrival zone," he clarified.

A member of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee, Andrei Klimov, in an interview with the NSO commented on the publication by the Crown Prosecution Service of the United Kingdom of the names of Russians suspected of attempted murder of the Violins.

In early March, it became known that in Salisbury, a man and a woman were poisoned with an "unknown substance", after which they were hospitalized in a critical condition. The victims were Sergei Skripal and his daughter.